Claudia was designed by analog/RF designers for analog/RF designers. She comes along with:
Aladdin a virtual verification agent that helps you to manage a good test plan and environment depending on all the variables and the conditions. Evaluates the time of simulation needed and avoid costly mistakes such as saturation and breakdown voltage. It helps you to cover all the specifications thanks to the dedicated simulation.
Lighthouse a smart real-time-controller that launches and constantly monitors all the required simulations. Because Claudia understands your intents and the design conditions, she can decide early-on to stop simulations that do not converge and automatically move on to the next relevant job. Claudia notifies you upon final completion even when you are away from your desk. It is possible to detect the errors, warnings and special key-words in the Log files to warn the designer.
Sherlock an interactive environment to debug and fine-tune your schematics. Claudia understands where errors happen , display curves and values, and pinpoints the error in the Schematic so you can fine-tune the design.
Scribe your personal documentalist that reports in an easy-toread way the latest status of all your block simulations (PVT, Monte Carlo, with expandable views of all your results (gains, loss, noise…) the final documentation of your circuit (block pinout, values, variable Specifications, revision history of the design, Results simulations history, coverage, final datasheet…)
Status Quo your 24/7 assistant that reports the state of the overall project and estimated completion schedule based on the current coverage and simulation still needed.